



  • 盡量減少生活中社交活動。
  • 對於工作或者其他活動上需要頻繁與人接觸者建議盡量居家辦公,或者暫時轉換至非公開的工作,甚至請病假以減少接觸。
  • 針對病人和照顧者盡可能待在家中減少與其他人接觸。
  • 使用肥皂勤洗手並加強手部消毒。
  • 避免非必要的出遊。


Education information for heart transplantation patients in Taiwan under worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.

Information source: Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, National Cheng Kung University Hospital. 2020/5/11.

Minimizing social interactions in the community:

•For patients with work or other activities that necessitate interactions with many people, we recommend working from home, if possible. For some patients, medical leave or temporary reassignment to non-public facing work in order to minimize possible exposure may be necessary.

•Basic precautions for patients and their caregivers include staying at home and reducing contact with other people as much as possible.

•Stringent hand hygiene with soap and water or hand sanitizer should be reinforced.

•Avoid non-essential travel.